Tuesday, May 24, 2011

lilly | newborn session

I am naturally shy (some people may not believe this, but it's true!). It is hard for me to step out of my comfort zone and promote myself. So I was stunned, shocked, floored when I heard the words

"Do you have a newborn photographer lined up yet?"

come out of my mouth while talking with a pregnant teacher's assistant at the book fair! I wanted to do a double-take and find out who had just said what I was thinking! I then proceeded to hand her my business card and a copy of my newborn session brochure and told her I'd love to take her pictures if she didn't have anyone already booked. :)

About 6 weeks later I got the e-mail that she was going to be induced in a few days and she wanted to get the session scheduled! (Insert visual of me doing a happy dance here.)

Sweet Lilly arrived with a beautiful head of hair! She was nice and sleepy when I arrived for her session and settled right in.

She didn't mind having a little hat put on...

and even seemed fairly content for a few nekkid baby pictures... Look at those eyelashes! And I absolutely love those kissy little baby lips...

However she would have nothing to do with being on her tummy. Every time I'd try, she'd either start to fuss or somehow get back onto her side.

And if there's one thing I've learned with newborns, it's the need to be flexible and let their comfort guide the session.

She even woke up for a bit towards the end so we got to see her gorgeous blue eyes. And how can a baby be anything other than content while lying on a cozy, warm sheepskin?

I can't wait to come back to visit in a few months and take pictures of her with her big sisters!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

brayden | 5-month-old session | baby plan

I love offering a Baby's First Year Plan to my clients! Not only is it a great value, it allows me to get to know these families a little better over the course of the plan. By the first birthday celebration session, we will have been together four times to document this special time of their lives.

I could not believe how much Brayden had grown since our last session. He went from being a hungry, sleepy newborn to a deliciously plump, smiley baby!

Amanda had bought some really cute outfits for his pictures, complete with accessories! He was not fond of the baby flip flops, but was happy to keep the shades on.

One of my favorite parts of photographing this family is that they come to our sessions with ideas for pictures that they'd like to have. So, no, Brayden's not really walking yet, but he liked feeling the grass on his teeny, little toes!

He is just starting to sit up, but still needs a little help to stay that way. I love his little furrowed brow in this picture--please, can someone tell me what this baby is worrying about?! 'Hmmmm, when's my next meal?' :wink:

Now, even though we still had another little outfit, what is a baby session without a little "nekkid baby" time?

Can someone please help me??!! These stripes are making me a little woozy!

He did great lifting (and holding!) himself up for these tummy-time pics, but Amanda had to be just a few inches out of the frame (like, less than 2 inches!) because this boy likes to roll...

After a quick wardrobe change into his little Easter outfit, we tried to get a picture with his new bunny, but little man was not really interested... He had other things on his mind.......

He flopped himself back on the beanbag and sacked. out. He was seriously down for the count! Went from a tiny little fuss, to sound asleep in about 10 seconds! Amanda asked if I was available to come over and take pictures before nap and bed times....

So we took the opportunity to recreate a picture from his first session.

We're planning to get together again in August, and I can't wait to see what this little guy has up his sleeves! Somehow I doubt I'll need my beanbag... I'm planning to bring my track shoes!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

WHE Father/Daughter Dance

One of the great things about my job (and I use that term lightly, because it's hard to consider something I love so much to be a job!), is that I have the opportunity to give back to this community our family is a part of.

I'm fairly active with my kids' school, and happened to mention my photography to one of the PTO officers while discussing the Book Fair (I'm the chair person for our schools' book fairs--LOVE to read, LOVED going to the book fair when I was a kid, LOVE getting to pass along those memories to my kids!). Anyway, she asked if I would be interested in taking candid photos at the upcoming Father/Daughter dance. To say that I jumped at the chance may be downplaying my reaction... I am always asking Kev and the girls what they do at the dances each year and am never satisfied with the level of description I get. I was thrilled to get to be at the dance and spy on them see what actually happens!

I was told that I could keep all profits from any sales of photos that I took during the dance if I was willing to take the pictures for free. That sounded great, but I decided that I would prefer to donate the proceeds of the picture sales back to the PTO. We are so blessed to live in an area with low property taxes, but the current economy is taking its toll on our schools. I love to give back in any way that I can.

I have to say that nothing prepared me for the noise level in the gym and cafeteria! Especially when Justin Bieber started playing... But having the opportunity to watch the girls have fun dancing with each other, and then seeing the sweet moments with their dads was worth listening to every squeal.