Thursday, November 10, 2011

the c family | family session @ jetton park

I don't know about you, but I'm not really keen on getting my picture taken. Maybe that's one of the reasons I ended up behind the lens: to decrease my chances of being in front of it!

I think a lot of people feel a little insecure about having family pictures made. There are always tons of excuses:
"I need to lose some weight first!"
"I don't know what we'll wear."
"Let's just do pictures of the kids."
"I don't really like those fake smiles."
And those are just *MY* excuses!

Which is why I feel so honored when a family comes to me to have a full family session. I know just how hard it can be to take that step to even schedule the session, let alone pick out what to wear, and then convince everyone else in the family to cooperate!

When AnnMarie contacted me to schedule her family's session, I knew it would be a special one. She has a great attention to detail, and her kids are a lot of fun. When we were chatting about what they should wear, I suggested she check out my Pinterest board with family photo color palette ideas and wardrobe suggestions. She decided to go with a classic gray, black and white palette with denim, and boy did she knock it out of the park! This family does not look "matchy," but no one can deny they go together!
We decided to head down to Jetton Park on Lake Norman since it offers such a wide variety of environments to take pictures. We started off around this great climbing tree to try to take advantage of the little bit of fall foliage that was starting to show its colors. After a little bit of discussion between the kids over who would get to use my yellow chair, it was decided that E would get to stand on it for the group picture, but G would get to sit in it for pictures with his dad.

I love this picture! I took one where everyone was looking at the camera with great expressions, but this one? Where they're all sort of joking with each other, and laughing, and being a family? This is the one that speaks to my heart.
There's a gorgeous covered walkway at the park, complete with fabulous, aged sliding doors, not to mention a gorgeous, architecturally interesting opening. I couldn't resist grouping the guys together for a little fun. G was such a ham! Things started off a little stiff, but then I asked him to show me his best "super model" pose. Oh man! He just RAN with that one! He started striking pose after pose, and cracking himself (and all of us!) up at the same time.

Next, it was time for a "family line-up" along those amazing doors. Want to know which one has the stinkiest feet? Well, I'll never tell!

For good measure, we popped over to the swing for a few small groupings. And yes, I got an amazing picture of E and J laughing into the camera, but this one? With her little impish smile directed up to his big brother, pre-teen face (he was trying SO hard to be serious here)? This is the one that gave me a glimpse into their relationship. She looks up to him and adores him, and even though he thinks he may be too cool to show blatant affection, he can't resist her. Sigh.

We had some more fun with the swings, and then walked over to the "beach" where there used to be Lake (the water is so low right now) for a few more family group pictures. And then, I decided to get artsy...
Be afraid. Be very afraid!

I explained what I was envisioning for these last few shots: C and AnnMarie having a sweet kiss while autumn leaves gently fell around them.

Sounds romantic, right?

So the kids gather up armfuls of leaves, mom and dad have a little kiss, and....


A huge clump of leaves and pine needles smacks them right in the face!

I swear I had asked the kids to throw the leaves UP into the air to fall OVER their parents, not to throw them AT their parents. But kids will be kids, eh?

Once again, we all dissolved in laughter as we tried again (and again, and again, and again...) to get the image I had envisioned.
And just look at those love birds! After over 16 years of marriage, they've still got it. ;)

Thank you so much for letting me into your lives!

1 comment:

  1. Anne! This is beautiful! Your work is gorgeous! I am actually tearing up - I'm so glad that my BFF found such great framilies down there in NC. You've captured them perfectly.
